
人员资料 & Senator Positions, 应用程序, and Elections

Elections will be held Monday, March 28 – Wednesday, April 6, 2022.


  1. The start date for campaigning is Monday, April 11. Absolutely no campaigning shall be permitted before this date. 计划在整个竞选过程中向学生团体发表演讲的候选人可以在竞选开始前安排预约.
  2. Campaigning shall be considered the display and distribution of posters, 传单, 横幅, 用粉笔写, and other visual displays of candidacy, as well as speaking to any university group or organization.
  3. 除在政治组织中担任职务的名单外,任何标志和文献不得显示政治派别.
  4. Candidates may not use amplifying devices. 指示牌只能张贴在学校的公告牌上,并得到建筑主管的批准. 未经授权的帖子将被删除,候选人将受到纪律处分. ALL publicity materials (传单, posters, 等.) must receive stamped approval from the Office of 学生的经验.
  5. 候选人不得以拉票作为报酬, 财政或其他方面的批准, 承诺, 暗示的或暗示的.
  6. 禁止负面竞选活动,包括虚假或诽谤言论或恶意行为.
  7. SGA将为您在HPU邮件收发室的竞选印刷费用贡献30美元. Candidates are responsible for all other campaign expenses.
  8. 考生有责任了解《ebet真人娱乐下载》中有关任何选举活动的规则和规定. 违反《ebet真人娱乐下载》任何部分的考生都可能受到学校的纪律处分,并可能面临SGA最高法院的处罚.
  9. 允许联合竞选. 参议员候选人可以共同竞选,并可以联合制作竞选材料. Executive Officer candidates may also campaign together on a joint ticket. Joint candidates may share expense accounts.
  10. Write-in candidates will not be considered for SGA positions


If you are running for an executive office (President, 副总裁或司库), you need to submit at least three letters of recommendation. The 建议 can be from faculty, 工作人员, or advisors of organizations in which you are involved.

If you are running for a class senator position (presiding senator or senator), you need to submit one letter of recommendation.


你需要提交一张自己的照片,可以在在线投票网站上展示. Pictures should be sent to the Office of 学生的经验 at

应用程序, 建议, and pictures are due to 学生的经验 on Wednesday, 4月6日下午5点.m.


All SGA officers and senators must have and maintain a 2.0累计G.P.A., be in good academic and conduct standing with the University, and be making satisfactory progress toward a degree.

  • 必须保持2.最低累积绩点.
  • 必须完成你所代表的课程的正确学时数.
    • Freshman senators: 0-29 credit hours
    • Sophomore senators: 30-59 credit hours
    • 初级参议员:60-89学时
    • 资深参议员:90+学分
  • 以多数票获胜.
  • Only class members may elect class senators.

  1. Be an official spokesperson and representative of the HPU Student Body.
  2. Preside at all meetings of the SGA according to Robert’s Rules of Order,
  3. Recommend such measures to the SGA as shall be judged expedient.
  4. 经SGA多数同意,任命章程中未规定的任何委员会或其他官员.
  5. Have the power to recommend the dismissal of any committee member.
  6. 按本宪法规定的标准填补任命职位的空缺.
  7. Cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
  8. Have the power to call special meetings.
  9. Be an ex official member of the SGA committees.
  10. Appoint student representatives to University committees and SGA committees.
  11. Appoint the Secretary and Chaplain with the approval of the SGA.
  12. Prepare the 年龄nda prior to each SGA meeting.
  13. 负责各类媒体平台(包括但不限于社交媒体)的使用, 短的视频, 等.)就SGA的过程和活动与学生沟通.
  14. 审查, at the beginning of each academic year, 电子HPU SGA历史文件与所有SGA官员,以便重新评估某些政策和改进的想法.


  1. 在该官员暂时或永久缺席或残疾时履行总统的职责.
  2. 参加所有SGA会议.
  3. 成为SGA的投票成员.
  4. Assist the President in coordinating all the facets of the SGA.
  5. 担任SGA议员.
  6. 担任一年级所有活动的协调员,直到选出班级参议员.
  7. 协助校长使用社交媒体与学生沟通.


  1. 与大学商务办公室和SGA顾问一起保持SGA所有收入和支出的准确和完整的记录.
  2. 每周在SGA例会上汇报所有的收支情况.
  3. 协调所有筹款活动.
  4. 参加所有SGA会议.
  5. 成为SGA的投票成员.


  1. Be an official spokesperson and representative of his/her constituent class.
  2. Hold meetings with his/her fellow class senators to work on class projects, fundraisers and other class issues as needed
  3. 维护记录,包括班级会议记录和班级账户报告.
  4. 参加所有SGA会议.
  5. 成为SGA的投票成员.
  6. Serve weekly in the SGA office as scheduled by the SGA President. Office hours shall not exceed two hours per week.


  1. Meet with their fellow senators to work on class projects, fundraisers and other class issues as needed.
  2. 参加所有SGA会议.
  3. 成为SGA的投票成员.
  4. Serve weekly in the SGA office as scheduled by the SGA President. Office hours shall not exceed two hours per week.
  5. In the event of temporary absence or 残疾 of the class senator, select a senator to perform the duties of that office.


  1. Be an official spokesperson and representative of the graduate programs.
  2. 参加所有SGA会议.
  3. 成为SGA的投票成员.

秘书和牧师的职责描述包含在SGA章程中. Secretary and Chaplain are positions appointed by the SGA President.

Elections will be held Wednesday, September 8 – Friday, September 10, 2021.


  1. The start date for campaigning is Monday, September 6. Absolutely no campaigning shall be permitted before this date. 计划在整个竞选过程中向学生团体发表演讲的候选人可以在竞选开始前安排预约.
  2. Campaigning shall be considered the display and distribution of posters, 传单, 横幅, 用粉笔写, and other visual displays of candidacy, as well as speaking to any university group or organization.
  3. 除在政治组织中担任职务的名单外,任何标志和文献不得显示政治派别.
  4. Candidates may not use amplifying devices. 指示牌只能张贴在学校的公告牌上,并得到建筑主管的批准. 未经授权的帖子将被删除,候选人将受到纪律处分. ALL publicity materials (传单, posters, 等.) must receive stamped approval from the Office of Student Life.
  5. 候选人不得以拉票作为报酬, 财政或其他方面的批准, 承诺, 暗示的或暗示的.
  6. 禁止负面竞选活动,包括虚假或诽谤言论或恶意行为.
  7. 每名行政长官候选人的竞选支出限额为三百美元,每名参议员候选人的竞选支出限额为一百美元. 在选举结果公布一周后,必须向SGA顾问提交支出报告.
  8. Money may be solicited for campaign expenditures only.  Contributions are limited to fifty (50) dollars. Contributions may be solicited from individuals or organizations. 费用报表应当包括个人或者组织的直接捐赠和实物捐赠.
  9. 考生有责任了解《ebet真人娱乐下载》中有关任何选举活动的规则和规定. 违反《ebet真人娱乐下载》任何部分的考生都可能受到学校的纪律处分,并可能面临SGA最高法院的处罚.
  10. 允许联合竞选. 参议员候选人可以共同竞选,并可以联合制作竞选材料. Executive Officer candidates may also campaign together on a joint ticket. Joint candidates may share expense accounts.
  11. Write-in candidates will not be considered for SGA positions.

If you are running for an executive office (treasurer), you need to submit at least three letters of recommendation. The 建议 can be from faculty, 工作人员, or advisors of organizations in which you are involved.

If you are running for a class senator position (presiding senator or senator), you need to submit one letter of recommendation.

Note: If you currently serve as an officer or senator, you do not need to submit any letters of recommendation.

Recommendations can be emailed to the Office of Student Life at

你需要提交一张自己的照片,可以在在线投票网站上展示. Pictures should be sent to the Office of Student Life at



All SGA officers and senators must have and maintain a 2.0累计G.P.A., be in good academic and conduct standing with the University, and be making satisfactory progress toward a degree.

  • 必须保持2.最低累积绩点.
  • 必须完成你所代表的课程的正确学时数.
    • Freshman senators: 0-29 credit hours
    • Sophomore senators: 30-59 credit hours
    • 初级参议员:60-89学时
    • 资深参议员:90+学分
  • 以多数票获胜.
  • Only class members may elect class senators.

  1. Be an official spokesperson and representative of the HPU Student Body.
  2. Preside at all meetings of the SGA according to Robert’s Rules of Order,
  3. Recommend such measures to the SGA as shall be judged expedient.
  4. 经SGA多数同意,任命章程中未规定的任何委员会或其他官员.
  5. Have the power to recommend the dismissal of any committee member.
  6. 按本宪法规定的标准填补任命职位的空缺.
  7. Cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
  8. Have the power to call special meetings.
  9. Be an ex official member of the SGA committees.
  10. Appoint student representatives to University committees and SGA committees.
  11. Appoint the Secretary and Chaplain with the approval of the SGA.
  12. Prepare the 年龄nda prior to each SGA meeting.
  13. 负责各类媒体平台(包括但不限于社交媒体)的使用, 短的视频, 等.)就SGA的过程和活动与学生沟通.
  14. 审查, at the beginning of each academic year, 电子HPU SGA历史文件与所有SGA官员,以便重新评估某些政策和改进的想法.


  1. 在该官员暂时或永久缺席或残疾时履行总统的职责.
  2. 参加所有SGA会议.
  3. 成为SGA的投票成员.
  4. Assist the President in coordinating all the facets of the SGA.
  5. 担任SGA议员.
  6. 担任一年级所有活动的协调员,直到选出班级参议员.
  7. 协助校长使用社交媒体与学生沟通.


  1. 与大学商务办公室和SGA顾问一起保持SGA所有收入和支出的准确和完整的记录.
  2. 每周在SGA例会上汇报所有的收支情况.
  3. 协调所有筹款活动.
  4. 参加所有SGA会议.
  5. 成为SGA的投票成员.


  1. Be an official spokesperson and representative of his/her constituent class.
  2. Hold meetings with his/her fellow class senators to work on class projects, fundraisers and other class issues as needed
  3. 维护记录,包括班级会议记录和班级账户报告.
  4. 参加所有SGA会议.
  5. 成为SGA的投票成员.
  6. Serve weekly in the SGA office as scheduled by the SGA President. Office hours shall not exceed two hours per week.


  1. Meet with their fellow senators to work on class projects, fundraisers and other class issues as needed.
  2. 参加所有SGA会议.
  3. 成为SGA的投票成员.
  4. Serve weekly in the SGA office as scheduled by the SGA President. Office hours shall not exceed two hours per week.
  5. In the event of temporary absence or 残疾 of the class senator, select a senator to perform the duties of that office.


  1. Be an official spokesperson and representative of the graduate programs.
  2. 参加所有SGA会议.
  3. 成为SGA的投票成员.

秘书和牧师的职责描述包含在SGA章程中. Secretary and Chaplain are positions appointed by the SGA President.

Thank you for your interest in serving with SGA. 请记得提交你的推荐信(如果适用)和你的照片.